One of the largest coworking spaces on Ishigaki island
Remote work at island
高速WiFi、電話会議ブース、集中ルーム、会議室、ゆんたくスペース、バー・・石垣島コワーキングスペースKLATCH Ishigakiは最高のリモートワーク環境と、最高のワーケーションの思い出を提供いたします。
Are you worn out from being cooped up and teleworking? Are you struggling to find a comfortable work environment when you go on vacation? Are you inconvenienced by the lack of coworking space in the southern islands?
One change that has occurred is the increase in the number of people visiting Ishigaki Island for the purpose of remote work and workcation.
High-speed WiFi, conference call booths, centralized rooms, meeting rooms, “Yuntaku space”, bar… KLATCH Ishigaki provides the best remote work environment and the best work vacation memories.

About of the KLATCH
「KLATCH Ishigaki」という名前の由来は、”coffee klatch”という英単語からきています。”coffee klatch”とは、「コーヒーを飲みながらおしゃべりする会」という意味で、沖縄ではいわゆる「ゆんたく」をさす言葉です。
コワーキングスペース「KLATCH Ishigaki」でも、ただ人が集まって仕事をする場所ではなく、人と人が繋がれる楽しい空間になって欲しいという願いを込めて、この店名をつけました。
The name “KLATCH Ishigaki” comes from the English word “coffee klatch. coffee klatch” means ‘a meeting to chat over a cup of coffee,’ and in Okinawa it refers to the so-called ‘yuntaku,’ or ”chatting.
The coworking space “KLATCH Ishigaki” is not just a place where people gather to work, but also a fun space where people can connect with each other.
We want to operate a coworking space with security and infrastructure that allows people to concentrate on their work with peace of mind, yet still allows people to connect with each other.

Ishigaki Island x Work Vacation Attractions
The first and foremost attraction of Ishigaki Island is the ocean. There are countless beaches in Ishigaki Island such as Maesato Beach for families, Fusaki Beach for dates, and Yonehara Beach for snorkeling. It is possible to take a short swim in the ocean during your lunch break from work.
Of course, there are many variations of meals, and seafood such as tuna, Ishigaki beef, Yaeyama soba, and Okinawan cuisine are popular. Ishigaki Island has many immigrants and repeat tourists, and there is a friendly culture for those who come from outside of the island, so new encounters in the south island are also waiting for you.
Incidentally, there are more than 300 accommodations in Ishigaki City, ranging from resort hotels such as Intercontinental and Club Med to guesthouses where you can stay from 1,000 yen per night. We offer a wide range of options from luxury short term refreshment vacations to low-cost extended stay vacations.

KLATCH Ishigaki運営メンバー
鈴木 陽介(よーすけ)

石垣島移住8年目。兵庫県出身。コワーキングスペースに加え、KLATCH COFFEEとKLATCH RENT-A-CAR、Seaside KLATCH -Villa&Sauna-の運営を手掛ける。元監査法人勤務で、税理士としてもかろうじて活動中。移住相談や居酒屋のお探しなど、なんでもご質問ください!
福田 彩生(さいちゃん)

石垣島移住2回目。トータル5年目。茨城県出身。コワーキングスペースとKLATCH COFFEEの運営に参画。移住者のみなさんやリモートワーカーのみなさんのつながり作ります!お仕事の合間や休憩時間にほっと一息つきに来てください♪
竹田 あおい(あおい)

元営業マンで大阪出身。コワーキングスペースとKLATCH COFFEEも担当しております!野球、もつ鍋、スイーツ、お酒が大好きです!よろしくお願い致します。
今井 千尋(ちーちゃん)

宮井 祐太朗(ゆーたろ)

奈良県出身。コワーキングスペースに加え、KLATCH COFFEEとKLATCH RENT-A-CAR、Seaside KLATCH -Villa&Sauna-のバックオフィスを担当。元銀行員で融資業務やビッグデータ利活推進のPMをしてました。音楽、スポーツ、ボードゲーム、犬、何でも好きなので、お気軽にお声がけください!